Creativity works wonders when it comes to designing the UI(user interface) for a website or web application. Right from changing the composition, color and size to everything else that forms a crucial component of a web design UI; you can perform all this and much more by revealing the creative side of your personality. Visual hierarchy is something that can give the much needed push to your web UI designing initiative. By including the right type of visual elements into your web design, you can easily grab the attention of targeted audience within a very small period of time. Keep on reading this blog to find more about creating a visual structure of your web UI(user interface).
What makes visual organization a key consideration for web UI designers?
Just like the regular artists, even the web UI designers pay special attention to following the best Web UI practices for enriching their website/web app with contemporary artforms. By adding a tint of visual excellence into your web UI, you can conveniently enhance the acceptance of your site/app. Visual assets allow you to mix the science of aesthetics with the principles of business, thereby enabling you to design an extraordinary user interface that can be used and interpreted well by the targeted users.
Design is all about Visual Communication
In order to create a site/app that can stand out from the crowd, it is absolutely essential for you to communicate your ideas to viewers in a crisp and clear manner. You need not include massive blocks of information within the web/app pages, instead just opt for including pictures with some brief text. The reason for this is that people aren’t data processors but visual thinkers.
A closer look at the tools that occupy a space within web UI designers’ tool-kit
- Size
You can use size as a remarkable visual hierarchal tool for guiding a viewer to see a particular portion of the website’s/app’s page. Since size is one of the most vital concerns of a web designer, it’s essential to correlate the size with its specific significance in the respective web design. Ensure to keep the biggest elements as the importance ones and the smallest ones as the least important ones.
- Color
Color is yet another incredible tool that can be used for grabbing the attention of users. With the perfect use of bold, contrasting colors on your website/app, you can easily add an emotional appeal into your pages. It is interesting to note that color can easily affect everything from a website’s brand to specific symbolism. You can opt for use of advanced colors for classifying certain information placed within the visual hierarchy.
- Contrast
With using the perfect level of contrast, you can introduce dramatic shifts within the text size, thereby informing the users that there’s something different on the website which requires their immediate attention. If you’re inclined on separating the core web page content from the footer, you can opt for changing the background color from a lighter shade to a darker one.
- Repetition
If you need to assign a specific meaning to web page elements, then repetition is the tool that will assist you with the same. For example, by keeping a “paragraph” text as grey colored, the user will automatically assume that all the grey colored text belongs to the basic paragraph. Thus, each time the user encounters a red link or a blue title, he’ll assume that the paragraph is different from the grey colored text.
- Density and Whitespaces
As a designer who’s working on creating a site/app using visual hierarchy, you need to pack all the elements along with proper whitespaces. Doing this will make it convenient for the users to recognize the elements in addition to understanding the way in which they are and aren’t related with each other.
Imagery- The role it plays in attracting visitors towards a website
People are usually attracted towards images and graphics the very first time they land up on the screen. Although the placement of images basically depends on the design of the entire page, you need to understand that a suitably-sized image must be placed towards the top of the visual hierarchy.
Typography- Another vital concern that can’t be skipped by web UI designers
One of the best techniques of creating an eye-appealing site is establishing a visual hierarchy via typography. Particularly suited for online reference websites, you need to organize the visual hierarchy by considering elements such as size, style, color and weight. In addition to this, you may even opt for adding animation or motion within the web page. Here, you need not animate the movement but instead can express the same via shape and line.
Wrapping Up
Although Visual hierarchy might sound a bit technical, in reality it is a pretty much simple concept. By making some minor tweaks, you can easily add a sense of visual significance into your pages.