Responsive Pricing Table with Bootstrap

Pricing tables are widely used on many websites. If you haven’t created pricing tables with bootstrap, our tutorial will be useful for you. Simple responsive pricing tables – they look great on all devices. On big screens, we see the entire table, three columns in a row. On small screens, they will be placed from top to down, listing all the features vertically. We will also try to minimize the number of custom styles.

HTML structure

To start – create an empty ‘index.html’ file and add the following markup code into it:

01 <!DOCTYPE html>
02 <html lang="en">
03 <head>
04   <meta charset="UTF-8">
05   <title>Responsive Pricing Table with Bootstrap | Script Tutorials</title>
07   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
08 </head>
09 <body>
10   <section id="section-pricing" class="section-pricing">
11     <div class="container">
12       <div class="pricing-table">
13         <div class="row">
14           <!-- First package -->
15           <div class="col-md-4">
16             <div class="package">
17               <div class="header-package-1 text-center">
18                 <h3>Basic</h3>
19                 <div class="price"><h3>$10</h3></div>
20               </div>
21               <!-- details -->
22               <div class="package-features text-center">
23                 <ul>
24                   <li>Bandwith Unlimited</li>
25                   <li>Disk Space Unlimited</li>
26                   <li>Unlimited Sub Domain</li>
27                   <li>Free Domain</li>
28                   <li>Free Support</li>
29                 </ul>
30                 <div class="wrp-button text-center"><a href="#" class="btn standard-button">GET IT</a></div>
31               </div>
32             </div>
33           </div>
34           <!-- Second package -->
35           <div class="col-md-4">
36             <div class="package">
37               <div class="header-package-2 text-center">
38                 <div class="recomended"><h4>Recomended</h4></div>
39                 <h3>Standard</h3>
40                 <div class="price"><h3>$25</h3></div>
41               </div>
42               <!-- details -->
43               <div class="package-features text-center">
44                 <ul>
45                   <li>Bandwith Unlimited</li>
46                   <li>Disk Space Unlimited</li>
47                   <li>Unlimited Sub Domain</li>
48                   <li>Free Domain</li>
49                   <li>Free Support</li>
50                   <li>Extra</li>
51                 </ul>
52                 <div class="wrp-button text-center"><a href="#" class="btn standard-button">GET IT</a></div>
53               </div>
54             </div>
55           </div>
56           <!-- Third package -->
57           <div class="col-md-4">
58             <div class="package">
59               <div class="header-package-3 text-center">
60                 <h3>Advanced</h3>
61                 <div class="price">
62                 <h3>$50</h3>
63                 </div>
64               </div>
65               <!-- details -->
66               <div class="package-features text-center">
67                 <ul>
68                 <li>Bandwith Unlimited</li>
69                 <li>Disk Space Unlimited</li>
70                 <li>Unlimited Sub Domain</li>
71                 <li>Free Domain</li>
72                 <li>Free Support</li>
73                 </ul>
74                 <div class="wrp-button text-center"><a href="#" class="btn standard-button">GET IT</a></div>
75               </div>
76             </div>
77           </div>
78         </div>
79       </div>
80     </div>
81   </section>
83 </body>
84 </html>

In the head section we included all necessary css files: bootstrap.min.css and style.css with our custom styles. Since rows in bootstrap consist of 12 columns, and we need to display 3 pricing sections, each section will be 4-length column:

01 <div class="col-md-4">
02   <div class="package">
03     <div class="header-package-1 text-center">
04       <h3>title</h3>
05       <div class="price"><h3>price</h3></div>
06     </div>
07     <!-- details -->
08     <div class="package-features text-center">
09       <ul>
10         <li>feature 1</li>
11         <li>feature 2</li>
12         <li>feature 3</li>
13         <li>feature 4</li>
14         <li>feature 5</li>
15       </ul>
16       <div class="wrp-button text-center"><a href="#" class="btn standard-button">GET IT</a></div>
17     </div>
18   </div>
19 </div>

As you see, we prepared all three sections total. Now, we can start stylize the sections.

CSS styles

Now, create another file: ‘css/style.css’ for our styles. First, we define the main styles for layout: paddings and margins:


02 .section-pricing {
03   padding:50px 0;
04 }
05 .pricing-table {
06   font-family:Roboto, sans-serif;
07   margin-top:35px;
08 }
09 .package {
10   margin:20px 0;
11   overflow:auto;
12 }

All pricing headers have green background, slightly rounded on top

01 .header-package-1,.header-package-2,.header-package-3 {
02   background:green;
03   border-radius:4px 4px 0 0;
04   color:#fff;
05   font-weight:700;
06 }
07 .header-package-1 {
08   margin-top:30px;
09   padding-bottom:15px;
10   padding-top:15px;
11 }
12 .header-package-2 {
13   padding-bottom:30px;
14   padding-top:30px;
15 }
16 .header-package-3 {
17   margin-top:30px;
18   padding-bottom:15px;
19   padding-top:15px;
20 }
21 .header-package-1 h3,.header-package-2 h3,.header-package-3 h3 {
22   color:#fff;
23   font-weight:800;
24 }

Price has a thin white border, with defined width, so it looks like a box. Probably you already noticed rotated ‘recommended’ label. It has dashed white border, and it is rotated by 45 degrees

01 .price {
02   border:2px solid #fff;
03   color:green;
04   margin:0 auto;
05   padding-bottom:20px;
06   padding-top:15px;
07   width:100px;
08 }
09 .recomended h4 {
10   border:2px dashed #FFF;
11   display:inline-block;
12   left:15px;
13   padding:10px;
14   position:absolute;
15   transform:rotate(-45deg);
16 }

The list of features has a thin border, as well as every feature in this list has the border (in bottom) of the same gray color

01 .package-features {
02   border:1px solid #E3E3E3;
03 }
04 .package-features ul {
05   padding:0;
06 }
07 .package-features ul li {
08   border-bottom:2px solid #e3e3e3;
09   list-style:none;
10   overflow:auto;
11   padding:20px 10px;
12 }

Last element of pricing tables is button. The button has rounded corners, with white text on green background

01 .wrp-button {
02   padding:26px 10px 36px;
03 }
04 .package-features .standard-button {
05   margin:0;
06   padding:15px 20px;
07 }
08 .standard-button {
09   background:green;
10   border:0;
11   border-radius:4px;
12   color:#fff;
13   font-family:sans-serif;
14   font-size:16px;
15   font-weight:700;
16   line-height:inherit;
17   margin:5px;
18   padding:15px 30px;
19   text-transform:uppercase;
20   -webkit-transition:all ease .25s;
21   transition:all ease .25s;
22 }
23 .standard-button:hover {
24   color:#fff;
25   opacity:0.8;
26 }
27 .standard-button:focus {
28   color:#fff;
29 }

That’s it, our pricing table is ready. You can check the result.

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