nav-index property

Definition and Usage

The ‘nav-index’ property is an input-method-neutral way of specifying the sequential navigation order (also known as “tabbing order”).

Name: nav-index
Value: auto | <number> | inherit
Initial: auto
Applies to: all enabled elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: interactive
Computed value: specified value.


nav-index: auto|number|inherit;


The element’s sequential navigation order is assigned automatically by the user agent.
The number (which is non-zero and positive) indicates the sequential navigation order for the element. ‘1‘ means first. Elements with the same nav-index value are navigated in document order when that nav-index value is being navigated.


01 button { position:absolute }
02 button#b1 {
03         top:0left:50%;
04         nav-index:1;
05         nav-right:#b2; nav-left:#b4;
06         nav-down:#b2; nav-up:#b4;
07 }
08 button#b2 {
09         top:50%left:100%;
10         nav-index:2;
11         nav-right:#b3; nav-left:#b1;
12         nav-down:#b3; nav-up:#b1;
13 }
14 button#b3 {
15         top:100%left:50%;
16         nav-index:3;
17         nav-right:#b4; nav-left:#b2;
18         nav-down:#b4; nav-up:#b2;
19 }
20 button#b4 {
21         top:50%left:0;
22         nav-index:4;
23         nav-right:#b1; nav-left:#b3;
24         nav-down:#b1; nav-up:#b3;
25 }