HTML5 Video player jQuery plugin

As you know – HTML5 <video> element is already supported by most of browsers (by modern browsers). Its initialization is very easy. During today’s investigation I have understood few things: that each browser supports only few of video formats, and each browser has own native video controls (and all of them are different). But fortunately, html5 can give us all necessary possibilities to make own interface to control our video element. Today I will show you process of building own html5 player (quite crossbrowser), more, it will be new jquery plugin.

Final result of our player:

HTML5 Video player


Here are our demo and downloadable package:

Live Demo


download in package


Ok, download the source files and lets start coding !

Step 1. HTML Markup

This is markup of our result slideshow page. Here it is:


01 <div class="video_player">
02     <video controls="controls" poster="media/poster.jpg" style="width:800px;">
03         <source src="media/video.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
04         <source src="media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
05         <source src="media/video.webm" type="video/webm" />
06     </video>
07     <div class="custom_controls">
08         <a class="play" title="Play"></a>
09         <a class="pause" title="Pause"></a>
10         <div class="time_slider"></div>
11         <div class="timer">00:00</div>
12         <div class="volume">
13             <div class="volume_slider"></div>
14             <a class="mute" title="Mute"></a>
15             <a class="unmute" title="Unmute"></a>
16         </div>
17     </div>
18 </div>
19 <script>
20     $(function() {
21         $('.video_player').myPlayer();
22     });
23 </script>

You can see here and our Video element, and the custom controls set. Plus – jquery plugin initialization. As you can see – I have to provide 3 file formats (ogg, mp4 and webm) to cover all browsers (FF, IE, Chrome, Safari and possible Opera too). As video converter software, I can recommend Miro Video Converter ( as example.

Step 2. CSS

Here are all stylesheets


001 /* jquery */
002 .ui-slider-handle {
003     displayblock;
004     margin-left-9px;
005     positionabsolute;
006     z-index2;
007 }
008 .ui-slider-range {
009     bottom0;
010     displayblock;
011     height100%;
012     left0;
013     positionabsolute;
014     width100%;
015     z-index1;
016 }
017 /* player */
018 .video_player {
019     background-color#E8E8E8;
020     border1px solid #888;
021     floatleft;
022     padding10px;
023     border-radius: 10px;
024     -moz-border-radius: 10px;
025     -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
026 }
027 /* controls */
028 .video_player .custom_controls {
029     clearboth;
030     height30px;
031     padding-top8px;
032     positionrelative;
033     width100%;
034 }
035 .play, .pause, .volume, .time_slider, .timer {
036     floatleft;
037 }
038 .play, .pause, .mute, .unmute {
039     cursorpointer;
040 }
041 .play, .pause {
042     displayblock;
043     height24px;
044     margin-left5px;
045     margin-right15px;
046     opacity: 0.8;
047     width33px;
048     transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
049     -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
050     -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
051     -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
052 }
053 .play {
054     backgroundurl(../images/play.png) no-repeat;
055 }
056 .pause {
057     backgroundurl(../images/pause.png) no-repeat;
058     displaynone;
059 }
060 .play:hover, .pause:hover {
061     opacity: 1;
062 }
063 .time_slider {
064     border1px solid #5f5f5f;
065     height10px;
066     margin-top5px;
067     positionrelative;
068     width630px;
069     border-radius: 5px;
070     -moz-border-radius: 5px;
071     -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
072     background#777777;
073     background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top#777777#9d9d9d);
074     background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0#777777),color-stop(1#9d9d9d));
075 }
076 .time_slider .ui-slider-handle {
077     backgroundurl(../images/handler.png) no-repeat;
078     cursorpointer;
079     height16px;
080     opacity: 0.8;
081     top-2px;
082     width16px;
083 }
084 .time_slider .ui-slider-handle.ui-state-hover {
085     opacity: 1;
086 }
087 .time_slider .ui-slider-range {
088     border-radius: 5px;
089     -moz-border-radius: 5px;
090     -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
091     background#e9742e;
092     background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top#e9742e#c14901);
093     background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0#e9742e),color-stop(1#c14901));
094 }
095 .timer {
096     color#000;
097     font-size12px;
098     margin-left10px;
099     margin-top3px;
100 }
101 .volume {
102     bottom0;
103     color#FFFFFF;
104     height35px;
105     overflowhidden;
106     padding5px 10px 0;
107     positionabsolute;
108     right0;
109     width33px;
110 }
111 .volume:hover {
112     backgroundurl(../images/volume.png) no-repeat scroll 8px 0 transparent;
113     height161px;
114 }
115 .volume_slider {
116     height105px;
117     left-1px;
118     opacity: 0;
119     positionrelative;
120     width33px;
121 }
122 .volume:hover .volume_slider {
123     opacity: 1;
124 }
125 .volume_slider .ui-slider-handle {
126     backgroundurl(../images/handler.png) no-repeat;
127     height15px;
128     left9px;
129     margin-bottom-15px;
130     margin-left0;
131     opacity: 0.8;
132     width14px;
133 }
134 .volume_slider .ui-slider-handle.ui-state-hover {
135     opacity: 1;
136 }
137 .mute, .unmute {
138     bottom7px;
139     displayblock;
140     height23px;
141     opacity: 0.8;
142     positionabsolute;
143     text-indent-999px;
144     width33px;
145 }
146 .mute:hover, .unmute:hover {
147     opacity: 1;
148 }
149 .mute {
150     backgroundurl(../images/vol_full.png) no-repeat;
151 }
152 .unmute {
153     backgroundurl(../images/vol_mute.png) no-repeat;
154     displaynone;
155 }

Step 3. JS


001 function rectime(secs) {
002     var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
003     var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600))/60);
004     var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60));
005     if (hr < 10) {hr = '0' + hr; }
006     if (min < 10) {min = '0' + min;}
007     if (sec < 10) {sec = '0' + sec;}
008     if (hr) {hr = '00';}
009     return hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;
010 }
011 (function($) {
012     $.fn.myPlayer = function() {
013         return this.each(function() {
014             // variables
015             var $oMain = $(this);
016             var $oVideo = $('video', $oMain);
017             var $oPlay = $('.play', $oMain);
018             var $oPause = $('.pause', $oMain);
019             var $oTimeSlider = $('.time_slider', $oMain);
020             var $oTimer = $('.timer', $oMain);
021             var $oVolSlider = $('.volume_slider', $oMain);
022             var $oMute = $('.mute', $oMain);
023             var $oUnmute = $('.unmute', $oMain);
024             var bTimeSlide = false;
025             var iVolume = 1;
026             // functions section
027             var prepareTimeSlider = function() {
028                 if (! $oVideo[0].readyState) {
029                     setTimeout(prepareTimeSlider, 1000);
030                 else {
031                     $oTimeSlider.slider({
032                         value: 0,
033                         step: 0.01,
034                         orientation: 'horizontal',
035                         range: 'min',
036                         max: $oVideo[0].duration,
037                         animate: true,
038                         slide: function() {
039                             bTimeSlide = true;
040                         },
041                         stop:function(e, ui) {
042                             bTimeSlide = false;
043                             $oVideo[0].currentTime = ui.value;
044                         }
045                     });
046                 };
047             };
048             // events section
049             $ () {
050                 $oVideo[0].play();
051                 $oPlay.hide();
052                 $oPause.css('display''block');
053             });
054             $ () {
055                 $oVideo[0].pause();
056                 $oPause.hide();
057                 $oPlay.css('display''block');
058             });
059             $ () {
060                 $oVideo[0].muted = true;
061                 $oVolSlider.slider('value''0');
062                 $oMute.hide();
063                 $oUnmute.css('display''block');
064             });
065             $ () {
066                 $oVideo[0].muted = false;
067                 $oVolSlider.slider('value', iVolume);
068                 $oUnmute.hide();
069                 $oMute.css('display''block');
070             });
071             // bind extra inner events
072             $oVideo.bind('ended'function() {
073                 $oVideo[0].pause();
074                 $oPause.hide();
075                 $oPlay.css('display''block');
076             });
077             $oVideo.bind('timeupdate'function() {
078                 var iNow = $oVideo[0].currentTime;
079                 $oTimer.text(rectime(iNow));
080                 if (! bTimeSlide)
081                     $oTimeSlider.slider('value', iNow);
082             });
083             // rest initialization
084             $oVolSlider.slider({
085                 value: 1,
086                 orientation: 'vertical',
087                 range: 'min',
088                 max: 1,
089                 step: 0.02,
090                 animate: true,
091                 slide: function(e, ui) {
092                     $oVideo[0].muted = false;
093                     iVolume = ui.value;
094                     $oVideo[0].volume = ui.value;
095                 }
096             });
097             prepareTimeSlider();
098             $oVideo.removeAttr('controls');
099         });
100     };
101 })(jQuery);

As you see – this is simple jQuery plugin. In the beginning – I have prepared all necessary controls and variables. Then – I have binded ‘onclick’ events to our controls, plus several inner events of video player (like ‘ended’ and ‘timeupdate’). After, I have implemented two jQueryUI sliders (time slider and volume slider). At the end – I have removed default controls: $oVideo.removeAttr(‘controls’); Generally – thats all.

Step 4. Images

For our html5 video player I have used next images:

play icon
pause icon
volume full icon
volume mute icon
volume icon
handler icon

Live Demo


Hope that today’s html5 tutorial was great. We have made another one nice html5 example. I will be glad to see your thanks and comments. Good luck!