Have you ever thought about creating some interactive navigation menu in HTML5, directly at canvas element? Yes, this is strange idea, but it is quite possible that similar ideas are attended you. So, I made up my mind to prepare our first pure html5 canvas menu (basically – this is some set of buttons). We will create these buttons with a fire affect at the bottom. And you will be able to set custom click actions for menu elements.
Now you can test prepared demonstration, and download the sources.
Ok, download the example files and lets start coding togetger!
Step 1. HTML Markup
Basically, our HTML markup is very easy today:
04 |
< meta charset = "utf-8" /> |
05 |
< title >HTML5 Canvas Navigation menu with Fire | Script Tutorials</ title > |
06 |
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/main.css" type = "text/css" /> |
07 |
< script src = "js/vector2d.js" ></ script > |
08 |
< script src = "js/fire_menu.js" ></ script > |
11 |
< canvas id = "panel" width = "1000px" height = "100px" >HTML5 compliant browser required</ canvas > |
12 |
< img id = "image" src = "images/bg.jpg" /> |
There is only single canvas element. Plus – one image directly after this canvas.
Step 2. JS
Now, we should create a new empty file ‘js/fire_menu.js’ and put next code inside:
002 |
function Button(x, y, w, h, state, image, text) { |
013 |
function drawButton(ctx, button) { |
015 |
ctx.drawImage(button.image, 0, button.imageShift, button.w, button.h, button.x, button.y, button.w, button.h); |
017 |
ctx.fillText(button.text, button.x + button.w / 2, 5 + button.y + button.h / 2); |
020 |
function getMousePosition(e){ |
022 |
var e = window.event; |
024 |
if (e.pageX || e.pageY){ |
025 |
return new vector2d(e.pageX, e.pageY); |
026 |
} else if (e.clientX || e.clientY){ |
027 |
return new vector2d(e.clientX, e.clientY); |
038 |
function fill_new_array(len, val) { |
039 |
var rv = new Array(len); |
046 |
function prepare_palette() { |
047 |
for ( var i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { |
048 |
colors[i + 0] = {r: 0, g: 0, b: i << 1, a: i}; |
049 |
colors[i + 64] = {r: i << 3, g: 0, b: 128 - (i << 2), a: i+64}; |
050 |
colors[i + 128] = {r: 255, g: i << 1, b: 0, a: i+128}; |
051 |
colors[i + 192] = {r: 255, g: 255, b: i << 2, a: i+192}; |
055 |
function drawScene() { |
056 |
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); |
058 |
var data_cnt = data_width * (data_height - 1); |
059 |
for ( var i = 0; i < data_width; i++) { |
060 |
out_data[data_cnt + i] = (0.6 > Math.random()) ? 255 : 20; |
062 |
for ( var y = 0; y < 100; y++){ |
063 |
for ( var x = 10; x < data_width - 10; x++){ |
064 |
var s = data_cnt + x; |
065 |
var temp_data = out_data[s] + out_data[s + 1] + out_data[s - 1] + out_data[s - data_width]; |
071 |
out_data[s - data_width] = temp_data; |
073 |
img_data.data[id + 0] = colors[temp_data].r; |
074 |
img_data.data[id + 1] = colors[temp_data].g; |
075 |
img_data.data[id + 2] = colors[temp_data].b; |
076 |
img_data.data[id + 3] = colors[temp_data].a; |
078 |
data_cnt -= data_width; |
080 |
ctx.putImageData(img_data, 0, 0); |
082 |
ctx.font = '26px DS-Digital' ; |
083 |
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000' ; |
084 |
ctx.textAlign = "center" ; |
086 |
for ( var ib = 0; ib < buttons.length; ib++) { |
087 |
drawButton(ctx, buttons[ib]); |
091 |
if (window.attachEvent) { |
092 |
window.attachEvent( 'onload' , main_init); |
095 |
var curronload = window.onload; |
096 |
var newonload = function () { |
100 |
window.onload = newonload; |
102 |
window.onload = main_init; |
106 |
function main_init() { |
108 |
canvas = document.getElementById( 'panel' ); |
109 |
ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); |
111 |
img_data = ctx.createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height); |
112 |
data_width = img_data.width, |
113 |
data_height = img_data.height, |
116 |
out_data = fill_new_array(data_width * data_height, 0) |
118 |
var buttonImage = new Image(); |
119 |
buttonImage.src = 'images/button.png' ; |
120 |
buttonImage.onload = function () {}; |
122 |
buttons.push( new Button(0, 10, 245, 62, 'normal' , buttonImage, 'button #1' )); |
123 |
buttons.push( new Button(250, 10, 245, 62, 'normal' , buttonImage, 'button #2' )); |
124 |
buttons.push( new Button(500, 10, 245, 62, 'normal' , buttonImage, 'button #3' )); |
125 |
buttons.push( new Button(750, 10, 245, 62, 'normal' , buttonImage, 'button #4' )); |
127 |
setInterval(drawScene, 40); |
129 |
canvas.onmousemove = function (e) { |
130 |
var mouse = getMousePosition(e).sub( new vector2d(canvas.offsetLeft, canvas.offsetTop)); |
131 |
for ( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
132 |
if (buttons[i].state != 'pressed' ) { |
133 |
buttons[i].state = 'normal' ; |
134 |
buttons[i].imageShift = 0; |
135 |
if (mouse.x > buttons[i].x && mouse.x < buttons[i].x+buttons[i].w && mouse.y > buttons[i].y && mouse.y < buttons[i].y+buttons[i].h) { |
136 |
buttons[i].state = 'hover' ; |
137 |
buttons[i].imageShift = 136; |
143 |
canvas.onmousedown = function (e) { |
144 |
var mouse = getMousePosition(e).sub( new vector2d(canvas.offsetLeft, canvas.offsetTop)); |
145 |
for ( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
146 |
if (mouse.x > buttons[i].x && mouse.x < buttons[i].x+buttons[i].w && mouse.y > buttons[i].y && mouse.y < buttons[i].y+buttons[i].h) { |
147 |
buttons[i].state = 'pressed' ; |
148 |
buttons[i].imageShift = 68; |
153 |
canvas.onmouseup = function (e) { |
154 |
var mouse = getMousePosition(e).sub( new vector2d(canvas.offsetLeft, canvas.offsetTop)); |
155 |
for ( var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { |
156 |
if (mouse.x > buttons[i].x && mouse.x < buttons[i].x+buttons[i].w && mouse.y > buttons[i].y && mouse.y < buttons[i].y+buttons[i].h) { |
157 |
alert(buttons[i].text + ' is pushed' ); |
159 |
buttons[i].state = 'normal' ; |
160 |
buttons[i].imageShift = 0; |
The main idea of our menu – put several buttons at canvas element, and then – add event handlers. And, as extra feature – animated fire at the background. I sure that our demonstration can bring you new ideas for your projects.
Step 3. Extra files
It’s possible that you have noticed that I use the addition files in our project: main.css, Ds-digib.ttf, bg.jpg, button.png and vector2d.js. All these files are available in our download package.
I hope that you like our html5 experiments. Welcome back.