Today I will tell you about creating simple Chat application using our existing login system. This will be useful and most simple solution. We will able to chat with our logged members. We will use database to store messages.
Here is a sample and package:
Now please download the example files and lets start coding!
Step 1. HTML
As usual, we start with the HTML.
This main chat window.
1 |
< frameset rows = "65%,35%" framespacing = "1" frameborder = "yes" border = "1" bordercolor = "#FF0000" > |
2 |
< frame src = "messages.php" name = "main_frame" > |
3 |
< frame src = "main.php" name = "login_frame" scrolling = "no" noresize target = "middle" > |
This is login form code.
1 |
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "styles.css" /> |
2 |
< form class = "login_form" method = "post" action = "main.php" > |
3 |
< div >Username: < input type = "text" name = "username" /></ div > |
4 |
< div >Password: < input type = "password" name = "password" /></ div > |
5 |
< div >< input type = "submit" value = "Login" name = "Login" /></ div > |
7 |
< div >You can use username "User1" or "User2" or "User3" and password "qwerty" to login in system</ div > |
Here are new 3 template files to chat (2 to messages box and 1 to send message form):
1 |
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "styles.css" /> |
2 |
< div class = "chat_main" > |
1 |
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "styles.css" /> |
2 |
< form class = "submit_form" method = "post" action = "main.php" > |
3 |
< div >< input type = "text" name = "s_message" />< input type = "submit" value = "Say" name = "s_say" /></ div > |
5 |
< div >You can type anything in chat</ div > |
Step 2. CSS
Here are used CSS styles.
02 |
border : 1px solid #AAA ; |
07 |
border : 1px solid #AAA ; |
08 |
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ccc ; |
09 |
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ccc ; |
15 |
border : 1px solid #AAA ; |
18 |
-moz-border-radius: 7px ; |
19 |
-webkit-border-radius: 7px ; |
23 |
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #CCCCCC ; |
24 |
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #CCCCCC ; |
25 |
border : 1px solid #CCCCCC ; |
29 |
-moz-border-radius: 7px ; |
30 |
-webkit-border-radius: 7px ; |
32 |
border : 1px solid #CCCCCC ; |
Step 3. SQL
We will need to execute next SQL in our database.
1 |
CREATE TABLE `s_chat_messages` ( |
2 |
3 |
` user ` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL , |
4 |
`message` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL , |
5 |
` when ` INT (11) NOT NULL , |
7 |
Step 4. PHP
As you remember – we already had ready easy authentication system. I moved it to external library file (inc/ This will useful for us – now code more structured and it comfortable to use in different places of code.
After I created new library to work with chat (inc/ This class have next functions:
acceptMessages – function accepts sent messages and saves them in database table
getMessages – returns list of recent 15 messages
Then I created two php files: messages.php and main.php. First file generates list of recent messages. It refreshes the list each 5 seconds (it is enough to our chat). Second file generates a login form and one text input field for the chat. After we login, we can use this field to post messages in the chat.
Ok, here are all used PHP files:
03 |
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.0" , ">=" ) == 1) |
04 |
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); |
06 |
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); |
07 |
require_once ( 'inc/' ); |
08 |
require_once ( 'inc/' ); |
10 |
$oSimpleLoginSystem = new SimpleLoginSystem(); |
11 |
$oSimpleChat = new SimpleChat(); |
13 |
echo $oSimpleLoginSystem ->getLoginBox(); |
15 |
$sChatResult = 'Need login before using' ; |
16 |
if ( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ] && $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ]) { |
17 |
if ( $oSimpleLoginSystem ->check_login( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ], $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ])) { |
18 |
$sChatResult = $oSimpleChat ->acceptMessages(); |
1 |
<meta http-equiv= "refresh" content= "5" > |
3 |
require_once ( 'inc/' ); |
4 |
$oSimpleChat = new SimpleChat(); |
5 |
echo $oSimpleChat ->getMessages(); |
09 |
function SimpleChat() { |
11 |
$this ->sDbName = 'database_name' ; |
12 |
$this ->sDbUser = 'username' ; |
13 |
$this ->sDbPass = 'password' ; |
16 |
function acceptMessages() { |
17 |
if ( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ]) { |
18 |
if (isset( $_POST [ 's_say' ]) && $_POST [ 's_message' ]) { |
19 |
$sUsername = $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ]; |
21 |
$vLink = mysql_connect( "localhost" , $this ->sDbUser, $this ->sDbPass); |
23 |
mysql_select_db( $this ->sDbName); |
24 |
$sMessage = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST [ 's_message' ]); |
25 |
if ( $sMessage != '' ) { |
26 |
mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `s_chat_messages` SET `user`='{$sUsername}', `message`='{$sMessage}', `when`=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()" ); |
32 |
require_once ( 'chat_input.html' ); |
33 |
$sShoutboxForm = ob_get_clean(); |
34 |
return $sShoutboxForm ; |
36 |
function getMessages() { |
37 |
$vLink = mysql_connect( "localhost" , $this ->sDbUser, $this ->sDbPass); |
39 |
mysql_select_db( $this ->sDbName); |
41 |
$vRes = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM `s_chat_messages` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 15" ); |
45 |
while ( $aMessages = mysql_fetch_array( $vRes )) { |
46 |
$sWhen = date ( "H:i:s" , $aMessages [ 'when' ]); |
47 |
$sMessages .= '<div class="message">' . $aMessages [ 'user' ] . ': ' . $aMessages [ 'message' ] . '<span>(' . $sWhen . ')</span></div>' ; |
50 |
$sMessages = 'DB error, create SQL table before' ; |
54 |
require_once ( 'chat_begin.html' ); |
56 |
require_once ( 'chat_end.html' ); |
57 |
return ob_get_clean(); |
03 |
class SimpleLoginSystem { |
07 |
function SimpleLoginSystem() { |
08 |
$this ->aExistedMembers = array ( |
09 |
'User1' => 'd8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4' , |
10 |
'User2' => 'd8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4' , |
11 |
'User3' => 'd8578edf8458ce06fbc5bb76a58c5ca4' |
14 |
function getLoginBox() { |
16 |
require_once ( 'login_form.html' ); |
17 |
$sLoginForm = ob_get_clean(); |
18 |
$sLogoutForm = '<a href="' . $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]. '?logout=1">logout</a>' ; |
19 |
if ((int) $_REQUEST [ 'logout' ] == 1) { |
20 |
if (isset( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ]) && isset( $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ])) |
21 |
$this ->simple_logout(); |
23 |
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ] && $_REQUEST [ 'password' ]) { |
24 |
if ( $this ->check_login( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ], MD5( $_REQUEST [ 'password' ]))) { |
25 |
$this ->simple_login( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ], $_REQUEST [ 'password' ]); |
26 |
return 'Hello ' . $_REQUEST [ 'username' ] . '! ' . $sLogoutForm ; |
28 |
return 'Username or Password is incorrect' . $sLoginForm ; |
31 |
if ( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ] && $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ]) { |
32 |
if ( $this ->check_login( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ], $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ])) { |
33 |
return 'Hello ' . $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ] . '! ' . $sLogoutForm ; |
39 |
function simple_login( $sName , $sPass ) { |
40 |
$this ->simple_logout(); |
41 |
$sMd5Password = MD5( $sPass ); |
42 |
$iCookieTime = time() + 24*60*60*30; |
43 |
setcookie( "member_name" , $sName , $iCookieTime , '/' ); |
44 |
$_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ] = $sName ; |
45 |
setcookie( "member_pass" , $sMd5Password , $iCookieTime , '/' ); |
46 |
$_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ] = $sMd5Password ; |
48 |
function simple_logout() { |
49 |
setcookie( 'member_name' , '' , time() - 96 * 3600, '/' ); |
50 |
setcookie( 'member_pass' , '' , time() - 96 * 3600, '/' ); |
51 |
unset( $_COOKIE [ 'member_name' ]); |
52 |
unset( $_COOKIE [ 'member_pass' ]); |
54 |
function check_login( $sName , $sPass ) { |
55 |
return ( $this ->aExistedMembers[ $sName ] == $sPass ); |
View Live Demo of our sample
I described how to make easy chat application based on PHP and MySQL. You can use this material to create own scripts into your startups. Good luck!