How to Boost Speed and Performance of WordPress Website

Bloggers across the world use WordPress that stands as an appropriate CMS solution. For gaining a proper user experience, great speed for your WordPress site is hugely essential. Performance acts as one of the vital factor of a flourishing website. Few WordPress websites are not able to make the best use of its potential. WordPress websites can offer few tricks and tips that exhibit greater effect on the speed. Anyone can improve the speed and performance of WP website easily.

Mentioned here are some of the significant factors that conveys you how to boost WordPress website speed and performance.

  1. Select the finest Web Hosting and DNS Provider

It is highly essential to select the finest web hosting and DNS provider in order to enhance the speed and performance of your WP site. You should invest money in better web hosting and DNS [Domain Name Service Provider], and it is worth paying for getting best services. As per your needs, you should select the right Hosting package while purchasing Web Hosting.

  1. Acquire firm WP theme with superb performance

You should always select the simplest theme to your site that will assist in loading it quicker. Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve as the easy WordPress themes that is very fast. Before applying on your site, you should check the performance level of the WP theme. Another simple method to acquire quick blazing WP theme is by utilizing framework as well as Child Theme based WP themes, thus providing better performance.

  1. Utilize strong Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The main cause behind a fast blazing speed of your blogs is Content Delivery Network (CDN) that will ensure that your website will be loaded with flash speed from any part of the world. Being server set up, the CDN permits for quicker and effectual deliverance of your site content.

  1. Optimization of images for lading faster

You should keep in mind that large image of higher resolution takes great time for loading on websites. Thus you should upload images that are light-weight and also use lesser images on your site. You can acquire low image size by using WP plugin that decreases the image size with least quality loss.

  1. Utilize remarkable plugins for enhancing WP site speed performance

When you are using few awesome plugins to your site, its speed performance will automatically increase to a great extent. Web developers can add those remarkable plugins to your dashboard that includes WP-SumushIt, W3 Total Cache, WP-DB Manager, jQuery Image Lazy Load WP, WP Super Cache, and WP-Optimise plugins. When one of these plugins is installed, the speed of the loading time thus decreases and performance efficiency too increases.

  1. Number of HTTP request should be low

While boosting the speed performance of WordPress site, you should acquire the lowest number of HTTP. The download can be faster for sites with small size. You’ve to obtain lowest HTTP request number for acquiring website files in very minimum sizes, and for that you have to eliminate all the avoidable codes and complete scripts.

  1. Split long posts in numerous pages

You might formulate a mega resource that may need you to list 100+ resources and also include 100+ images on the web post. So you can easily split the long posts into numerous pages which will help each page to load extremely faster and at the same time your page views too increase. You just need to enter a code <!—nextpage--> while you want to split long pages/posts.

  1. Compress the JavaScript files

On every page JavaScript files are loaded and at times they can be big files. Here you can make use of compressor for compressing JavaScript along with saving resources and also highly enhance your WordPress site’s speed.

  1. Cache your Database

WordPress is completely incorporated with MySQL. Thus while a web page is actually loading, numerous database queries are implemented with more time taking. DB Cache is a plugin that caches database queries and also builds the website loading immensely fast.

  1. Divide comments into pages

Every website includes some articles that go viral that produce lots of comments which also uses huge amount of server resource on each visitor loading the web page. You are recommended to paginate the comments for enhancing the loading speed of your website and also saving server resources. You can go to WP Admin Panels’settings > discussions, and put a tick on break comments per page with 40 comments in a page.

Therefore, by now you might have known the above valuable tips that will surely help you in increasing the speed and better performance of your site. When implementing them, your website will load faster with excellent speed and performance level.