What is WebGL? This is new modern software library that extends the JavaScript language to allow it to generate real interactive 3D graphics into compatible web browser. WebGL supported by many new web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox (from v4.0), Safari. Today I prepared new fresh collection of interesting HTML5 examples made with WebGL. Sure that you will able to pick new ideas to self here.
1. Lights
Great interactive musical environment. Glowing ball flies over the surface of the earth.
2. Kinect+WebGL
Just inspiration. Little experiment visualising Kinect data with WebGL.
3. Azathioprine
Another one inspiring work.
4. Neon Flames
An interactive drawing tool based on particles using HDR rendering.
5. Robots Are People Too
Pretty attractive and interesting game for two players.
6. WebGL Bookcase
WebGL Bookcase is an experimental interface for the Google Books API.
7. Voxels Liquid
3D representation of this classic 2D water effect algorithm.
8. HTML5 clouds
This is our own implementation of html5 clouds.
9. Red Shooting Hood
This is a WebGL game where you help Little Red Shooting Hood find her way through the forest full of nasty wolves. Oh, and there’s a machine gun with unlimited ammo to support you on your quest.
10. My Robot Nation
Create your awesome, totally unique robot online and we make it real with full-color 3D printing and mail it to your door!.
I quite sure that in coming future we will see more and more interesting projects with WebGL and HTML5, just because this giving you great possibilities. Hope that our new collection was really interesting for you. Good luck!