jQuery pagination tutorial. After a short break, I decided to create a new own JQuery plugin for pagination (for different content), which will be based not on the number of elements (childrens) per page, but will take care of the height of the content. And it will try to keep the same height for the pages. This means that the number of elements on the page can be different. Everything will depend on the height of these children. Plus, I will using fade effect to switch between pages.
In beginning – download our package and check demo:
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Lets start coding !
Step 1. HTML
As usual, we start with the HTML. This is source code of our sample:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/main.js"></script> <div class="example"> <h2>Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Poor cruel folk</h2> <div id="content" class="content"> <div>The King sat naked. Like a foolish pauper on the street, he sat leaning against a cold wall, drawing in his blue, goose-bumped legs. He shivered, with his eyes closed, he listened, but everything was quiet.</div> <div>He awoke at midnight from a nightmare and immediatelly understood that he was finished. Some one weezed and writhed by the door of the bedroom suite, he heard footsteps, metalic jingling and drunken mummbling of His Highness, Uncle Buht: "Let me through... Let me.. Break it down, hell with it..." Wet with icy sweat, he slintly rolled off his bed, ducked into a secter closet, and loosing himself he ran down the underground passage. Something sqelched under his bare feet, the startled rats dashed away, but he did not notice anything, just now, sitting next to a wall he remembered everything; the darkness, the slippery walls, and the pain from a blow on the head against the shakled door to the temple, and his own unberable high yelp.</div> <div>They shall not enter here, he thought. No one shall enter here. Only if the King order's so. But the King shall not order... He snickered hysterically. Oh no, the King will not order! He carefully un screwed up his eyes and saw his blue, hairless legs with scraped knees. Still alive, he thought. I will live, because they shall not enter here.</div> <div>Everything in the temple was blueish from the cold light of the lanterns -- long glowing tubes that were stretched under the ceiling. In the center, God stood on an eminence, big, heavy, with sparkling dead eyes. The King continuously and stupidly stared, until God was suddenly screened by a shabby lay brother, still a greenhorn. Scraching, with an open mouth he gazed at the naked King. The King squinted once again. Scum, he thought, a lousy vermine, catch the mongrel and to the dogs, for them to ravage... He reasoned that he did not remember the lout well, but he was long gone. So scrawny, snotty... That's all right, we'll remember. We'll remeber everything, Your Highness, Uncle Buht. During the father's reighn, I dare say you sat quietly, drank a bit and kept silent, were afraid to be noticed, you knew that King Prostyaga did not forget you ignoble treachery...</div> <div>Great was the father, the King thought with an accustomed envy. You'd be great, if your advisors are God's angels in flesh. All know, all have seen them: their faces fearful, white, like milk, and their garment were such that one could not understand if they were naked or not. And their arrows were fiery, like lightning, they drove off the nomads with the arrows, and although they casted them overhead, half the horde cripled from fear. His Highness, Uncle Buht, wispered once upon a time, drunk and burping, that those arrows can be cast by anyone, that special slings are needed that the angels have and that would be nice to take from them. And he said then -- he was drunk then, -- that if it is nice to have, why not have it, why not... Soon after that table talk one angel fell off the wall into the moat, probably slipped. Next to him they found one of uncle's body guards with a javelin between his shoulder blades. It was a dark, dark deed... It good that the people did not care about the angels, they were scary to look at, but it is not clear why is it scary -- angels were happy, cordial people. Only their eyes were scary. Small, shiny, and they keep racing around... non humanoid eyes, not peaceful. So the people hushed down, although father, King Prostyaga gave them such freedom that it is shameful to remember... although, before the Coup, father, they say was a saddle maker. For saying so, with my own hands I had torn eyes out, and sewen ears shut. But I remember, he used to sit in the evenings by the Crystal Tower, and he would cut out leather -- beautiful work. And I would perch myself at his side, it's warm and comfy... The angels were singing from the rooms, so quietly, and in harmony, and father would start to accompany -- he knew their language -- it used to be spacious, nobody around... not like now, guards are stuck at every corner, but there is no sense in it...</div> <div>The King lamented. Yes, he was a good father, just that he did not die for a long time. You can't do that while your son is still alive... The son is also the King, the son also want's to... But Prostyaga did not age, I'm over fifty,and he still looks younger than me... It looks like the angels had asked God for his health... They asked for his health, but they forgot about me. They say that the second one they managed to pin down in the father's room, he had a sling in each hand, but he did not fight. Before death, they say, he threw both of them out the window, they burst into a blue flame, there was no dust left... Too bad about the slings... And Prostyaga, they say, cried and got drunk then, within an inch of his life -- the first time since his reign -- looked for me, they said, loved me, believed...</div> <div>The King drew his knees to his chin, and hugged his leggs. So what if he believed? One should know one's limit, abdicate, like it is done elsewhere... and I do not know anything, and do not want to. There was only a conversation with my uncle, His Highnesss.</div> <div>"Prostyaga, -- he said, -- doesn't age". -- "Yes, -- I tell him, -- but what can we do, the angels pleaded for his health." Uncle then sneered, scum, and wispered: "Angels, -- he said, -- no longer sing their songs here". And I blurted out: "It is true, but now there is a way to deal with them, not just with humans". Uncle looked at me soberly, and immediatelly left... And I didn't really say anything... Empty words, without meaning... And in a week Prostyaga died from a heart attack. So what? It was his time. He looked young, but in reality he was over one hundred. We'll all die...</div> <div>The King was startled, and covering himself, awkwardly sat up. Into the temple came the High Priest Agar. Lay brothers were leading him by the hands. He didn't look at the King, came up to God and kneeled in front of the eminence, tall, hunch-backed, with waist length dirty-white hair. The King gloated "It's the end of you, Your Highness, you did manage, I'm not like Prostyaga, you'll ravage your oun intestines, drunken swine..." Agar spoke in a rich voice:</div> <div>- God! The King wishes to speak to you! Forgive him and listen!</div> <div>The room fell silent, no-one dared to breathe. The King contemplated: when the great flood happened, and the earth burst, Prostyaga asked God to help, and God came down from the sky as a ball of flame on the same day, and that night the earth closed up, and the flood disappeared. It means that this is how it will happen today. You were late uncle, Your Highness, you didn't manage. No one can help you now...</div> <div>Agar straighned up. The lay brothers that supported him, jumped away, turned with their backs to God, and covered their heads with their arms. The Kind saw, how Agar stretced his clasped hands and put them on Gods chest. God's eyes lit up. The King snapped his jaw from fear: the eyes were big and different -- one was snakish-green, the other white, as bright as light. One could hear how God started to breathe, heavily, with crackling, like consumption. Agar backed away.</div> <div>- Speak, - he whispered. It looked like he was unsettled as well.</div> <div>The King lowered to all fours, and started to crawl to the eminence. He did not know what to do or how. And he did not know how he should start and whether he should tell the complete truth. God breathed heavily, weezing, suddenly he started to whimper, quietly and thinly - scary.</div> <div>- I'm the son of Prostyaga -- said the King in despair, smothering his face against the cold stone. -- Prostyaga died. I ask protection from the conspirators. Prostyaga made mistakes. He did not know what he was doing. I have fixed everything: calmed the people, became great and unatainable, like you, I gathered an army... And the treacherous Buht is disrupting my plans to conquer the world... He wants to kill me! Help me!</div> <div>He raised his head. God, without blinking, was looking in his face with green and white. God was silent.</div> <div>- Help me... - repeated the King. -- Help! Help! - He suddenly thought, that he is doing something wrong, and that God is indifferent towards him, and inopportunely remembered: they said, his father, Prostyaga, did not die from a heart attack, but was killed here, in the temple when the killers came in, with out asking permission. -- Help!.-- he screemed desperatelly. -- I'm afraid to die today! Help! Help!</div> <div>He hunched up on the stone tiles, biting his hands from an unbarable terror. Differently-eyed God hoarsly breathed above his head.</div> <div>- Old vermine, - said Tolya. Ernst was quiet. On the screen, through the sparks of static an ugly black shape of a human lay splattered on the floor. -- When I think, Tolya spoke again, -- that if not for him, Alan and Derek would be alive, I want to do something, that you never wanted to do.</div> <div>Ernst shrugged his shoulders and moved to the table.</div> <div>- And I always think, - Tolya continued, - why didn't Derek shoot? He could have killed all...</div> <div>- He couldn't , - said Ernst.</div> <div>- Why couldn't he?</div> <div>- Have you ever tried shooting at a human being?</div> <div>Tolya made a wry face, but didn't say anything.</div> <div>- Well that's what it was, - said Ernst. -- Try to imagine it. It is almost as disgusting.</div> <div>A sorowful howl was heard from the loudspeaker. "HELP HELP I AM AFRAID HELP..," the auto-translater was writing.</div> <div>- Poor cruel folk... - said Tolya.</div> </div> <hr /> <div class="pagination"> <ul> <li><a href="#" id="prev" class="prevnext">« Previous</a></li> <li><a href="#" id="next" class="prevnext">Next »</a></li> </ul> <br /> <div id="page_number" class="page_number">1</div> </div> </div>
This is sample of content (from one book) plus (in bottom) – some preparaion for futire navigation with pagination.
Step 2. CSS
Here are used CSS file with styles of our demo:
body{background:#eee;margin:0;padding:0} .example{background:#FFF;width:800px;border:1px #000 solid;margin:20px auto;padding:15px;-moz-border-radius: 3px;-webkit-border-radius: 3px} #content { position:relative; height:400px; } #content .page { position:absolute; top:0px; } .pagination{ padding: 2px; } .pagination ul{ margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: left; font-size: 16px; } .pagination li{ list-style-type: none; display: inline; padding-bottom: 1px; } .pagination a, .pagination a:visited{ padding: 0 5px; border: 1px solid #9aafe5; text-decoration: none; color: #2e6ab1; } .pagination a:hover, .pagination a:active{ border: 1px solid #2b66a5; color: #000; background-color: #FFFF80; } .pagination a.prevnext{ font-weight: bold; } .page_number { border: 1px solid #9aafe5; color: #2e6ab1; padding:5px; text-align: center; width: 20px; }
Step 3. JS
Here are all JS files:
(function($){ $.fn.extend({ MyPagination: function(options) { var defaults = { height: 400, fadeSpeed: 400 }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); //Creating a reference to the object var objContent = $(this); // other inner variables var fullPages = new Array(); var subPages = new Array(); var height = 0; var lastPage = 1; var paginatePages; // initialization function init = function() { objContent.children().each(function(i){ if (height + this.clientHeight > options.height) { fullPages.push(subPages); subPages = new Array(); height = 0; } height += this.clientHeight; subPages.push(this); }); if (height > 0) { fullPages.push(subPages); } // wrapping each full page $(fullPages).wrap("<div class='page'></div>"); // hiding all wrapped pages objContent.children().hide(); // making collection of pages for pagination paginatePages = objContent.children(); // show first page showPage(lastPage); // draw controls showPagination($(paginatePages).length); }; // update counter function updateCounter = function(i) { $('#page_number').html(i); }; // show page function showPage = function(page) { i = page - 1; if (paginatePages[i]) { // hiding old page, display new one $(paginatePages[lastPage]).fadeOut(options.fadeSpeed); lastPage = i; $(paginatePages[lastPage]).fadeIn(options.fadeSpeed); // and updating counter updateCounter(page); } }; // show pagination function (draw switching numbers) showPagination = function(numPages) { var pagins = ''; for (var i = 1; i <= numPages; i++) { pagins += '<li><a href="#" onclick="showPage(' + i + '); return false;">' + i + '</a></li>'; } $('.pagination li:first-child').after(pagins); }; // perform initialization init(); // and binding 2 events - on clicking to Prev $('.pagination #prev').click(function() { showPage(lastPage); }); // and Next $('.pagination #next').click(function() { showPage(lastPage+2); }); } }); })(jQuery); // custom initialization jQuery(window).load(function() { $('#content').MyPagination({height: 400, fadeSpeed: 400}); });
Here are interesting code, here are and demonstration how to build new extensions for jQuery and also useful code for making pagination. I tried to keep comments quite anywhere to better understanding. This plugin will be able to take 2 parameters (for current moment): first – is the desired max height for generated pages and second – speed of fading effect between pages.
This is default jQuery library. Available in our package.
Live Demo
Today`s article told you about creating nice pagination for content, and also told about creating new own jQuery plugins. Sure that this was useful for you. Good luck!
Hi! I have a problem with the code. My text go out of these 400px. And I see only number 1 – no other numbers and nothing work :( Actually these 400px are not good for mee – i want 2000px because i have many content. But this is the next step. For the moment the JS code doesn’t work for me. The way is correct to the both JS files. Would you help me, please?
Hi Plamen,
Are you sure that you need 2000px for height? What is your monitor for this dimension – 40″? :-)
Anyway, did you try to play with Height param in JS and CSS files? Try to enlarge these 400px
Hi! Thank you so much for this code! I hope you can help me with this nightmare I am having… :-) I am new to JS, and I am trying to replace the divs with imgs, but I need to display 10 images in 2 rows per page (5 img on each row at large screens) then if the screen resizes at a smaller size, there should still be 2 rows of img but with 4 img per row, 3 if smaller, 2 if less, etc… and the other images should move to the next pages. The problem I have is that it looks like it takes the height of the images, and as 3 of them reaches the height specified (although they display inline) it shows only 3 images per page, then I have blank space. I have space to the right to fit 2 more images, but they are not showing. Hope this is not too confusing for you! Thanks!
Hi cecilia, I can recommend that you put all your images inside of DIV elements, you also can add a rule float:left for these images (or – display:inline).
Hello. I tried using your script. but my needs are a bit different. I have a bunch of fixed width and height (square, 133x133px with 5 px left and bottom margins) items and i would need to split these in pages, with as many rows and columns as I can fit in the containing div. The containing div’s width is way larger than the items’, but your script calculates according to the height given. Is there a way to get it to count how many items fit in a row and in a column and split them according to their multiplied values?
Hope that makes at least some sense :))
Hi Reddo,
Basically, your demand is very similar as cecilia’s, but she mentioned images. Anyway, try to align your images from the left to the right, and keep all your objects inside DIVs
Hi! This script is excellent and works well. I want to ask something though: Can it be made to work if the #content .page is not set to absolute positioning, but in relative instead? You see, i have a float image, and i want the paginated content around it. This happens only if i change absolute positioning to relative, but then when a page is changed, a strange issue appears where the text moves below and immediately afterwards into place. I would like the transision/fade to happen as it happens with absolute positioning.
Secondly, this would be more of an improvement, the next and prev links do not load the next/prev page in an ajax way like the numbers in the pagination do, so you end up seeing the top on the page.
Sorry if my english were not good enough to make you understand my issue and for any trouble i am putting you through :)
Hello Kostas,
Yes, sure, it is not a requirement to have this absolute positioning for .page element, if you like, you can use the ‘relative’ positioning. But in this case you will need to modify the JS code to make better smooth transitioning between pages.
As for Prev/Next elements, they work, I have just checked it. But, it you noted that it adds ‘#’ to the address bar, it is easy to overcome it, just add ‘ return false; ‘ for both onclick handlers.
Hello, Excellent and simple plugin. But, I also want to do following thisgs:
1) Disable the page link, that has been selected.
2) Disable ‘Prev’ if I am on first page.
3) Disable ‘Next’ if I am on last page.
Can you tell me how can I do that?
Thanks in advance…
Hi Vishmay,
It is not very difficult to disable Prev/Next links in case of the first or the last page. You will need to add some code to compare a current page (lastPage) with a total amount of pages ( $(paginatePages).length ).
And, if your current page is 1 (first page) – just disable the ‘Prev’ link, in case if your current page = total amount of pages, disable ‘Next’ link.
Hi, very nice plugin.
Would it be possible working with a editable content ? so that the paging will be recalculated with each key press
Thanks in advance…
Hi Mike,
This is possible, but, I am not sure that this is a very good idea to recalculate everything on each key press, this is not optimal.
Hey Andrew!
Nice post and very useful but i have come up with some issues with this code.
I have the same task to be done where a dynamic height of DIV and there should be no-limit of the elements or elements are placed.
I have tried this thing and came to know when i place simple lore ipsum paragraph tags to fill the space it doesn’t create the next page and that content overflows its parent.
Why is happening to me?
Hello Akshaya,
I don’t know exactly, but I can recommend one thing, in case if you are ensure about every heights of inner elements, it would be prudent to go through all child elements in order to find a max height if a child, and, to define the max height if your parent element (page) depending on the max of the child.
Nice piece of code.
Adding this css line p {display:block;padding:0;margin:0;} allows to replace divs in the markup with paragraph elements (p) .
Hello. Can this script be modified so if there is only one page it won’t draw switching numbers and prev/next links(the whole pagination area in general)?
What i mean is, sometimes one can have very long articles that look beautiful once paginated with your script in 4-5 pages, but there are some articles with very small content,and thus you end up having pagination controls for just one page.
Hi George,
Yes, of course, you always can add this checking code in the initialization code of the pagination.
Hello, thanks for the code, but I have problem: I use the code in tbody table, it works but broken css, any idea? :(
Hi scizor,
I think that it would be better if you show me your problem. Right now it is difficult to predict what is ‘broken css’ in your case (You can use the contact form in the bottom of website)
Sorry for the above post, I forgot to enclose my code in code tag. So I am posting it here again.
In Your pagination html, you were using class “pagination” on parent DIV and then child
but I am using the below html for pagination:
And now for applying active class to current page, I use your this code which you suggested in above comments:
// and updating counter
$('ul.pagination li').removeClass('active');
$($('ul.pagination li')[page]).addClass('active');
But now when I refresh page, I get the active class on NEXT .i.e. on the below list item
Though it should have been on first page, any suggestions on where to make changes? Kindly do post code to support your answer as I am a newby in Javascript :(
Hello Syed,
You will need to move the following code:
higher, please put it before the earlier ‘if’ statement
Hi I managed to do the above myself. Can you please help me with one thing, that is I have two divs but float left and float right and it can be accommodated within one page. But using this plugin it make first div (which floats to left) one page and 2nd div (which floats towards right) the 2nd page.
Can you please help on how to make it display on a single page? And also disable this pagination if the content is only one page.
Hi again,
you will need to put the following code:
<div style="clear:both"></div>
after both floated elements
Is it possible to force content to a new page with a HTML tag?
Hi Daniel,
Yes, everything is possible, but this is not a standard feature of this script. It needs to be developed.
Would you like to help me out with such a feature? Or at least give me some pointers on how to achieve this? I would be very grateful!
Hi Daniel,
Yes, I can develop this solution for you (as work, for some beer maybe).
In general, the logic is: When you list all children of the parent (in the beginning of the ‘init’ function), when we calculate heights, we need to add some code that will check if an element of certain type (maybe by it’s class or id). If it so, you need to enter, push content into new page, reset height and subPages array.
Thank you so much for this script! I’ve been to the end of the internet looking for a script like this because I’m building a website with a small CMS where content is distributed over A4 size pages. Besides printer friendly pages I can now generate a pixel perfect PDF file.
Kind regards,
Daniel Wichers (The Netherlands)
can you lend me a hand. i need help in displaying large HTML content like A4 sized pages one below another with page breaks and page numbers.
Appreciate any help in this regard.
Thanks on anticipation
Thanks for this code. Very useful. But I am not a programmer that is why I have such problem:
-how to combine 2 codes – one which sort info by attributes and result must be divided into pages using your code.
first code is (of course, i’ve changed attributes accoring my info)
$(function() {
var newSelection = “”;
$(“#flavor-nav a”).click(function(){
$(“#all-flavors”).fadeTo(200, 0.10);
$(“#flavor-nav a”).removeClass(“current”);
newSelection = $(this).attr(“rel”);
$(“#all-flavors”).fadeTo(600, 1);
(I have copied it from here
All what I can is to divide all info to pages and then filtering info on each page separetely.
But I need first to filter info and then divide it to pages.
Please help me. I try to change your code for several days but not successfilly
Thanks in advance!!!!
Hi Viktor,
Your problem is fairly unusual. I think that you can try to re-initialize the pagination code right after you finished filtering the initial list of entities, something like that.
Hi!Sir~!im not english guy, im in the DUBAI, i come here for help, I’m making a small function… but fortunately i found this web site(tutorial)… i want to add one function more… when i click next button, i want see first page.. what i mean is i want to make this to circulate continuosly… please help me
Hi Leona,
You need to add a checker into the ‘showPage’ function, where you will check if a clicked page is out of possible range (of available pages)
Hello ,
I want to show fixed number of page.Because instead of showing i will show 3 pages from current page like 3 pages at any point
Best Regards
Hi Satish, you may adjust the amount of pages with changing height of generated pages
I like your code, but I just have one question.
Instead of the current page number at the bottom of the ”pagination”, is it possible to actually see the current page on de ”pagination” bar it self.
Hi Dennis, yes, this is possible to highlight the current page
Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful plugin. Just encounter one issue. At times the navigation page numbers are on top of my div content. I tried playing with div heights inside jquery and css files but that didn’t work. I also tried changing position from absolute to relative and vice versa for content n page divs but that didn’t help either. Can you suggest some other solution please.
How can I show all the pages one below another like in MS word document, with page breaks and page numbering.
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.
You may play with CSS to show all (even hidden) pages.
But, I’d recommend that you prepare the necessary html layout directly on server, it probably will take less time
i have 10 pages of content but my script is working for only upto 5 pages and my page does not show more than 5 pages please help me
Maybe you need to decrease the height param?
Can I split page by the character number not by
Thank you
Yes, you can, but in this case you will need to customize the code that prepares the pages.
Can this code use for specific div class or id instead of div height as below:
The content of content 1 and content 2 should be on one page irrespective of their height.
Yes, you can customize the code that prepares pages accordingly your request (instead of using the height)
Hello Andrey,
you your solution is great, thanks for developing it.
I’d like to ask you if you have advanced in displaying two pages on a screen, instead of just one.
Also, what is the main parameter that makes some text to surpass the page? It happens on occasions that text surpasses the content box, and I’m not sure what causes it
Thanks again!
Hi Sebastian, I haven’t got the ready solution to display 2 pages at once. But the idea can be implemented if you change javascript code with having in mind that you need to get 2 times less pages (for pagination), and then you will display 2 pages at once. Or, you can visually display that one page looks like 2 pages.
With regards to parameters, the height is one of them, try to make it bigger if you think that some internal content can be bigger.
It was very useful.Thank you for this script! But I have one problem with your code. In the demo itself, the content height() is varying from one page to another. How to get equal height of the content to be load ?. So that it will have similar look.
Can you please guide me for this problem.
In your case, you only need to provide the child content that has the same length (in symbols/words)